About Me

Sean (WEI-HSIANG) Yu is now working at aetherAI and developing deep learning applications in medical fields. aether.AI is a technology company aiming to provide artificial intelligence (AI) platforms to help hospitals and doctors solve their most challenging diagnosis problems or daily routines.

Before joining aether.AI, he worked at Taiwan Artificial Intelligence Academia as a senior data scientist. He led the lecture team and organized courses roadmap for data science and deep learning programs. He also led the project team for consultation services for academia/enterprise partners. Partners includes top enterprises and government institutions in Taiwan, such as CommonWealth Magazine, Easten Broadcasting Shopping, Formosa Petrochemical Cooperation, and Centers of Disease Control.

Prior to joining Taiwan Artificial Intelligence Academia, he worked at Academia Sinica - Data Insight Research Lab (DIRL). He led the team “Project THETA” and successfully developed and implemented AI solutions for several manufacturers, including Chang Chun Group, Advantech, and Unimicron. Before engaging deep learning projects, he also managed annual data analysis projects in the lab with Books.tw, Sunfun, and Easycard.

Sean got his M.S. of Psychology at National Taiwan University and B.S. of Psychology at National Cheng Kung University. He was a member of Visual Neuroscience Lab (VNL) and focus on basic research in neuroscience, especially in visual neuroscience and neuroimaging analysis.


為翔目前為 aetherAI 的資料科學家,擅長實驗設計、統計分析及深度學習,主要研究及應用領域包含行為科學、神經科學及電腦視覺。他相信在高科技的現代化社會中,人們能透過更多的感測裝置、良好的實驗設計及嶄新統計與機器學習分析方式進一步窺探人類行為及思想,並從中找到同時俱商業價值與推動社會更美好的方法。此外,他亦多次擔任台灣人工智慧協會 (前身為資料科學協會) 系列活動、2017台灣資料科學暨人工智慧研討會講師及台灣人工智慧學校台北本部第一期講師,樂於分享並致力於推動資料科學及人工智慧在台灣的發展。

他曾於中央研究院資訊科學所資料洞察實驗室擔任一年研究助理並於隔年轉任資料科學家,在任職期間協助多間知名企業進行數據分析及建立預測模型,如 1) 電子票證交易公司的通路用卡消費率預測模型,整體通路交易率誤差在 10 個百分點內。 2) 知名電子商務書商的用戶輪廓分析及建立書籍銷售預測性模型,準確率至高可達 80%。 3) 多間傳統製造業 (如材料與電子電路板) 之深度學習模型,包含瑕疵檢測、預測性維護等。其中,瑕疵檢測可在流出率控制在 0.1 個百分點下,有效將誤報率控制在 2 個百分點內。現則致力於將深度學習技術引入醫療影像領域,包含病灶偵測、分類與細胞切割等。

游為翔於國立台灣大學心理學系取得碩士學位 (2015),於國立成功大學心理系 (2012) 取得學士學位。他過去專攻於視覺神經科學與腦造影領域,曾於2014年獲國科會補助於歐洲視覺年會 (European Conference of Visual Perception, ECVP) 發表壁報論文,於2011年獲傑出人才研究基金會補助於國際人類腦造影研討會議 (Human Brain Mapping, HBM) 發表壁報論文。
